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Sushi Dokoro Matsudo


Today I went to a Japanese restaurant for some sushi! This restaurant is in Tsim Tsa Tsui, across from the History Museum and close to the HKMOA (Hong Kong Museum Of Art).

We started the meal with an egg custard pot. It was soft and delicate.

The grilled squid was the next dish to arrive, and it was delicious in a slightly sweet and slightly spicy sauce.

Next were the pickles which were very tasty.

And finally we had our sushi! Each sushi was different from the soft creamy shrimp to the delicious tuna! I would say out of all the sushi my favorites were the shrimp and the tuna because the shrimp was creamy and the tuna quality was excellent. Between the sashimi and the rice there was some wasabi. It was quite mild for wasabi which was lucky for me as I don't really like spicy food.

Lastly I had some green tea ice cream. It was delectable.

Mini-MIiche Super tips:

  1. Order the mini squids and you can find them on a chalkboard next to the open kitchen.

  2. It is a bit cold so I would recommend bringing a cardigan.

And that’s my mini-miche review!


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